Embrace Your Inner Wild
Mary Reynolds Thompson
Ratgeber / Natur
Embrace Your Inner Wild: 52 Reflections for an Eco-Centric World is a brilliant, full-color book of photographs and reflections that invite you to seek out wildness wherever you find it within or without.Don Moseman’s spectacular photographs feature the wildlife and terrain of Marin County, California: the fiercely intelligent eyes of the coyote, the spiraling hawk in the supine sky, a bobcat prowling through golden grasses. These photos are paired with reflections by Mary Reynolds Thompson to awaken the reader to wonder. And to oneness.Don spent twenty-five years in San Quentin maximum-security prison in Marin County, California. In 1989, got sober and went straight, encouraged by nature as a guide. Later, taking up photography, the patience he learned in prison paid off. Don knows how to wait for the wild to come to him. Since 1983, the natural world has been key to Mary’s successful recovery from alcoholism. A life coach and facilitator of poetry therapy, Mary has developed a unique program of ecological spirituality that connects clients to their true selves through nature.Embrace Your Inner Wild is a visual and verbal psalm to wildness, rooted in Don and Mary’s shared love of the earth, its inhabitants, and the wild soul that longs to be set free.