Just Think about It
Peg Tittle
A collection of think pieces on a variety of topics: the environment (the concept of garbage, climate change as entertainment, whether water can be owned, ...), business (the limits of advertising, business in denial, ...), individual rights and social issues (making certain words illegal, slutwalks, cultural anarchy, noise trespass, ...) ethics (selling one's organs, euthanasia, legislating prenatal care, ...), education (the failure of ...), and so on. ... It's all thought-provoking, and whether or not you'll end up agreeing with her conclusions, her essays make for fascinating reading."e; Erin O'Riordan??"e;Tittle's pieces are atypical of philosophical writing in the best ways: of interest to non-specialists, yet instructive and profound, yet entertaining."e; Ron Cooper, Professor of Philosophy "e;... a passionate, stylistically-engaging writer ..."e; George, Amazon