A Birkenhead Hippie
Pauline Hicks
Ratgeber / Familie
When Walter suddenly died on 22nd January 2023, Pauline instinctively withdrew from life for eight weeks as she and her spiritual brother Walter completed this book together.
Pauline and Walter were the two middle kids in a family of four children born in Birkenhead. Northern England around the devastation created there after World War Two. They were raised amongst bombed houses and infrastructure and lived the aftereffects of mental and physical damage with those that had suffered through that war. This created their Hippie mentality of Peace, not War, which they demonstrated throughout their lives. A bond was formed that connected them both spiritually.
Because they ended up living on opposite ends of the world, it meant written communication via email was their connecting device. Each had an instinct when the other needed help. Their souls were as one. They lived parallel lives, which were anything but peaceful, and shared their mutual highs and lows in the way twins often do.
Within these pages, I give you Walter's words. This now exposes the real soul of the man that was my brother Walter.
Walter Hicks, family relationships, Birkenhead, family story, spiritualism, Walter Henry Hicks, A Birkenhead Hippie, personal story, Pauline Hicks, memoir, spirituality