Love I Met on the Trail
Lee Jeon-Rok
The breathing sound of birth pangs.This collection is the author's first collection of poems and is being republished after 30 years. It consists of 30 poems divided into the following five parts:Plum Flower, a Thousand Year of LoveThe Sun's Mistress, WolgyeAh! Late Autumn, Flaming SunsetMy Love, Sunae,Bo ( Pure Love, Story)The Reason Yew Trees have survived for 2,000 yearsAuthor said the feeling of republishing of this collection after 30 years, is not only strange , but even magical. Well then he is reborn, let's do some cuddles. What is poetry? He asked this question 30years ago too. Like finding an answer to aquestion that everyone can ask but no one can still on the line of verbal barbarism,as much as the atar in the night sky scattered. He ask poetry again. He said that although he may not be phonex whose wings flutter across the light, he may not a phoenex who eats bamboo shoots and does not anything other than the precious paulownia tree but like a skylark singing in the spring, like a cicada enjoying the summer, like a wildflower blooming in abundance in the field in the fall, even if it's an old tree full of snow flakes in winter , It's good. So he hope to do this best to write healthy articles that comfort and support everyone and himself.