Alex, Emerelda and the Snufflehog
Heather Geobey
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Naturwissenschaft, Technik
The Kingdom of Greendania is the last slice of green land on our planet and under threat from Emerelda, a greedy unlikeable woman, desperate to be Queen. Alex is the named protector of Greendania and lives in the ancient bluebell wood with her Grandad and their dog Bromley. Emerelda, frustrated by nature spoiling her manmade kingdom, enlists the help of her trusted servant, Fradswell, and uses the Dark Way to become Queen of all kingdoms. Alex must stop Emerelda's mass destruction and save the plants and animals from disappearing forever. Alex leads nature's army in a fight for survival before it is too late. Can Alex find it within herself to save Greendania and the last remaining snufflehog from extinction?
ecology, environmentalism, children, wildlife, protect, adventure, fantasy, green