Alejandro Perez
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
After finding himself jobless for the first time in his career at the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Alejandro Perez is faced with one very important question: Why exactly was he the one who was let go? Why, with all the talent and skills he had as a senior accountant, was he made redundant? Digging deep, the author soon realises that he lacked one thing that others-even those less talented in his field-had, self-confidence.
This practical guide and workbook is the result of strategies that Alejandro employed to build up his self-confidence and secure a job that pays exactly 31% higher the rate than the job he lost. It is designed to help you do your own self-analysis to discover why you lack the self-esteem and confidence you need to succeed in the workplace.
The activities in this book are intended to help you start your journey to building your self-confidence, so that you too can climb the career ladder, no matter what profession you are in.
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