Great moments of Modern Mediumship, Volume 2
Maxine Meilleur
Saturday Night Press Publications
Ratgeber / Spiritualität
A second amazing collection of more than 190 of interesting and intriguing cases in the history of psychical research and mediumship over the last 160 years. This is another easy reference book by this author on the subject of communication with the Spirit World, whether through mediums speaking while entranced, spirit healing, paintings precipitated on to canvases, photography with long-dead family appearing on the negatives, table tipping or other forms of phenomena. The author has categorized each type into what amounts to something of an encyclopaedia on the subject. This book is an excellent resource for further investigation. Complete with bibliography and index this is another 'must have' for anyone interested in, or just curious about, the subject. Categories cover: Absent Healing ; Andrew Jackson Davis; Apports; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Automatic Writing; Book Tests ; Cross correspondence ; Direct Voice ; Direct Writing ; Levitation ; Materialization ; Newspaper Tests ; Phenomena without current categorization ; Precipitated Spirit Paintings; Private & Investigative Sittings; Psychic Photography ; Psychic Raps; Public Demonstrations of Mediumship; Spiritual Healing; Spirit Lights; Table tilting, tapping and levitation; Teleportation; Verification of Spirit Guides; Xenoglossy ; Acknowledgements; Bibliography (Books, periodicals & websites); Diagram of mediums, researchers on the front cover;
Minnie Harrison, Spirit World, Margery the Medium, Spirit portraits, Precipitated Painting, Automatic Writing, Arnold Clare, Mrs Perriman, Physical Phenomena, Psychic Photography, teleportation, Mediumship, Table tilting, psychic phenomena, John Myers, Einer Nielsen, Materialization, levitation, trance, Helen Duncan., Alec Harris, Trance Addresses, Jack Webber, Apports, Direct Voice, book tests