Mega Manga
Keith Sparrow
Ratgeber / Heimwerken, Do it yourself
Manga characters can be cute and cuddly likePikachu and Nyase or large and threateninglike mecha warriors and giant dragons. Fantasyvehicles and weapons also abound in manga.The basic techniques needed to createconvincing manga characters and backgroundsare not difficult to learn. In this book, theessentials of drawing manga are highlightedand explained, and scores of examples aregiven so you can easily create manga art. After a round-up of useful tools and materials,this book highlights all the features that mustbe mastered in order to draw convincingmanga. These include male and female bodies,faces, hair, clothes and accessories for humanforms, in addition to animals, mecha and otherfantasy characters. Through a mix of step-by-step sequences and finished examples, thebook illustrates each feature in turn, giving youa complete visual reference to working in thisart form. The examples are drawn fromdifferent manga subgenres to offer the mostcomplete overview possible and includedrawing, inking and colouring techniques.Mega Mangais the only book any aspiringmanga artist needs to create satisfying worksof art, whatever your main area of interest.