Radio Vox Populi
Christian Ruggiero, Peter Laufer
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Medien, Kommunikation
Talk radio is broadcast discourse expressing – under ideal circumstances – the medium’s full potential as a vox Populi megaphone. Talk radio creates a virtual arena (a Coliseum!) in which topics of public relevance, and most specifically of current affairs, are treated with both expert voices and the continuous contributions of the “man on the street” – the vox Populi. This vox Populi is expressed within the mainstream media context. Radio broadcasters anticipate the active participation of listeners and make them engines of the on-air discussions. Talk radio programs become instruments for intervening in public opinion and, via opinions of the public, intervene in the public agenda. Talk radio and its vox populi amplify the importance of political issues and social issues.