Rough Music
Liz Williams
Belletristik / Märchen, Sagen, Legenden
Taking in a range of traditions from ancient Britain to the present day, a revealing look at the bristly underside of British folkloric culture. Rough Music explores transgression and shame in British folklore and customs. It takes in a wide array of examples including Bonfire Night, Wassail, Morris dancing, Mari Lwyd, and Twelfth Night, along with happenings like Cooper s Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake, and street football. Liz Williams explores the roots and roles of violence, mockery, protest, and public shaming. She also addresses alternative culture and modern protests, such as the Battle of the Beanfield and the Stonehenge Free Festival. The interaction between racism and traditions involving blackface, alongside the emergence of all-female Morris sides, is also examined. Finally, Rough Music looks at folklore s evolution in the digital age, highlighting new developments such as ghost bikes. This engaging book offers an entertaining yet rigorous look at British folklore and culture.