Poetry of Cats
Edward Lear, Thomas Gray, Rainer Maria Rilke, et al.
Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik
The cat. Independent when it wants and making us dependent on its whims when it deems. Cats are first thought of as being domesticated in the Near East in about 7500 BC. A few thousand years later in Ancient Egypt they are worshipped as gods. From a domestic cat's point of view this is pretty much the life they want and that some cats lead right now. Their larger cousins whether in forest, savannah, mountains or desert were fated for their speed, strength, beauty, feline powers and prowess. They now live in a finely balanced world between freedom and declining numbers as their habitats are destroyed or taken from them. Across the centuries poets have written verse that captures all manner of thoughts on our complex relationship with all cats, though mainly the humble moggy, on whose whims we slave over, eager for a look of recognition, the nod of thanks or the purr of gratitude.