Narcissism & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
James Hoskins
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
<h2>Discover how to stand your ground against one of the most dangerous personality traits there is -- no matter who's displaying it.</h2> <p>Statistically speaking, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is rare -- fewer than 1% of the population has an NPD diagnosis.</p> <p>But it's possible to display narcissistic behaviors without having NPD, and unless they're caught early, these behaviors can spiral into a full-blown personality disorder further down the line.</p> <p>In fact, it's estimated that up to 6% of adults have NPD -- that's quite a considerable leap from 1%.</p> <p>Perhaps you're in a toxic relationship, or you're concerned about the behavior of a family member. Maybe there's a colleague causing devastation at work with their narcissistic behaviors, or possibly you're even worried about yourself.</p> <p>Whoever it is you're concerned about, <b>you've already taken the most important step</b>: you've spotted that there's a problem, and you're looking for a solution.</p> <p>The key to solving any problem is to understand it: to explore what it is, to find out what's causing it, and to notice the extent of its effects.</p> <p>And then you need to know exactly what psychological research is going to help you find the answers you need.</p> <p>In <i>Narcissism & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery</i>, you'll gain a <b>comprehensive understanding of narcissism</b> and valuable strategies to combat it. You'll discover:</p> <ul><li>The most up-to-date information, research, and statistics <li>The real reason why there's a discrepancy between the number of recorded NPD diagnoses and the estimated number of people who have it <li>How to <b>nip narcissistic behaviors in the bud</b> as soon you notice them -- in children, friends, colleagues, or adult family members <li>Surprising historical figures who may have had NPD to help you spot the signs (yes, you were right -- there's a recent US president in there) <li>How to spot the <b>red flags of gaslighting</b> (and why you need to be able to) <li>The 10 most common psychological complexes <li>The secrets of 'the dark triad' -- what it is and what it means <li>The difference between toxic and abusive relationships -- and why it matters <li>The #1 social skill to abandon if you want to save a toxic relationship <li>A comprehensive guide to the best therapies available for NPD <li>A <b>step-by-step guide to treating narcissism</b> <li>Practical exercises to use in classrooms and workplaces to deepen understanding and prevent toxic social environments</ul> <p><i>And much more.</i></p> <p>Whoever it is in your life who's prone to narcissistic behavior, rest assured that there's hope from them -- and armed with the right knowledge and a complete understanding of narcissism, you can be the one to help them.</p> <p>Learn everything you need to know about narcissism so you can truly make a difference.</p> <h2>If you're ready to free yourself from manipulation and help others in the process, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.</h2>
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