Ming Hung Wong (Hrsg.), Timothy R Seastedt (Hrsg.)
World Scientific Publishing Company
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / ÷kologie
This comprehensive and innovative work addresses the intersection of invasive species management and climate resilience. Researchers have claimed that invasive species are the dominant biological threat to the functioning of our planet; whilst arguably true, humans are now concurrently affecting climate resilience. Bringing together experts from around the world, this book provides a nuanced evaluation of the management issues of invasive species driven by net benefits and threats, acknowledging that such species may also offer solutions towards addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Sustainable Management of Invasive Species provides valuable insights into this area but also pushes assessments of management into a much-needed, realistic framework of ongoing environmental change. Chapters address the importance of governance and emerging technologies for monitoring and assessment, and in particular the need for management to address the full spectrum of local to essentially global issues, requiring international effort and coordination. The case studies presented encompass microbial, plant, and animal invasions across diverse aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and provide examples of applications and opportunities for invasive species to participate in ecological and economic sustainability efforts.
- Preface
- About the Editors
- Introduction: Managing Invasive Species: Problems, Panaceas, and Realities for the 21st Century (Timothy R Seastedt and Ming Hung Wong)
- Governance:
- Multi-Level Governance of Managing Invasive Alien Species (Sidan Wang)
- Emerging Technologies or Detection and Assessment:
- Management of Invasive Mosquitoes Through Molecular Surveillance (Yee Ling Chong, Mac Pierce, Shaolin Han, Lucy de Lataillade, Yunshi Liao, Elliott Miot, Freddy Kuok San Yeo, Benoit Guénard, and Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam)
- Environmental DNA Metabarcoding for Detecting Invasive Species: A Case Study in the Reservoirs of Hong Kong (Zhao Ming Wen, Ka Yan Ma, Wai Hong Yiu, Ling Ming Tsang, Ka Hou Chu, and Chi Chiu Cheang)
- Invasive Woody Species Identification Using Hyperspectral Imaging Data (Pavel A Dmitriev, Boris L Kozlovsky, Anastasiya A Dmitrieva, Tatiana V Varduni, and Tatiana M Minkina)
- Assessments for Management Actions:
- Prevention of Invasive Plant Species (Hao Shen, Lan Hong, Wen Jing Yang, and Qing Ye)
- Microbe-Assisted Plant Invasion (Xun Wen Chen, Min Pan, and Louis Shing Him Lee)
- Invasive Plant Pathogens and Their Impacts on Major Crops: Identifying the Worst Offenders of the European Union (Raksha Jain, Pedro Rosa, Nitin Bohra, Ana Borges, Rupesh Kumar Singh, Mahipal S Shekhawat, Francisco R Quiroz-Figueroa, Pradeep Kumar, Vishnu D Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, and Henrique Trinidade)
- Drought Legacy Effects on the Invisibility of North American Semi-Arid Grasslands (Karie Cherwin, Phil Chapman, and Alan Knapp)
- Rethinking Plant Invasions During the Climate Crisis: An Ecosystem Management Imperative (Timothy R Seastedt)
- Management of Invasive Earthworms in North America (Andrea Dávalos, Josef Görres, Bradley M Herrick, Timothy S McCay, and Maryam Nouri-Aiin)
- Temporal and Spatial Changes of Invasive Freshwater Fish in China Due to Climate Change (Ruwei Wang, Linlin Xia, and Feng Wang)
- Applications and Opportunities:
- Prospects of Invasive Plant Species for Sustainable Food Production (Khadeza Yasmin, Mohammad Al Mamun, Md Abul Kashem, Md. Rokonuzzaman, and Wai Chin Li)
- Sustainable Management of a Globally Invasive Species: The Case of Red Swamp Crayfish (Jingchun Shi, Li Xiang, and Ming Hung Wong)
- Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis) — Turning an Invasive Species into a Valuable Cultured Species (Tsun Man Lee, Chun Fung Wong, Yu Bon Man, and Ming Hung Wong)
- Growing Invasive Fish in Sewage-Fed Ponds to Improve Water Reuse and Food Security (Tsun Man Lee, Uddin Md Saif, Yu Bon Man, and Ming Hung Wong)
- Index
Readership: This book is suitable for students at both undergraduate and graduate level for courses in Environmental Management or similar. Is also suitable for researchers, consultants and emerging professionals involved in areas such applied ecology, ecological-engineering, global change biology efforts, and biodiversity and climate change solutions.
Professor Ming Hung Wong received a PhD and a DSc in Ecology from Durham University, UK, and a DSc in Environmental Science from Strathclyde University, UK. He served as Lecturer, and later as Senior Lecturer, at the Biology Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Chair Professor of the Biology Department and Director of the Croucher Institute for Environmental Science of Hong Kong Baptist University; and Research Chair Professor and Advisor at the Department of Science and Environmental Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong. He served as the Coordinator of the Central and North-East Asia Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances (2001–2003), and a Panel Member (of three experts) of Chemicals Management Issues of Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition (2010–2012), both sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Programme and Global Environment Facility. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Geochemistry and Health (Springer Nature) since 2002.His broad research interests include Ecotoxicology, Ecological Restoration, and Resource Reuse. He has published more than 840 scientific papers and has been involved in editing several books and journal special issues. He received the Croucher Senior Fellow (Croucher Foundation of Hong Kong) in 1997, the Royal Society Visiting Fellow (Royal Society, UK) in 2000, the Milton Gordon Award for Excellence in Phytoremediation (International Phytotechnology Society) in 2016, the Fellowship of the Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) in 2018, and a Silver Medal (Food Waste for Fish Culture) of the International Inventions (Geneva) in 2019.Professor Timothy Seastedt obtained his PhD in Ecology at the University of Georgia, USA, working with researchers at a site that became one of the first Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) programs in North America. An ecosystem ecologist with strong interests in soil processes, his first academic appointments were at the Konza Prairie at Kansas State University, USA. There, he continued his association with the LTER efforts and subsequently moved to become the Principle Investigator for the alpine LTER program at the University of Colorado. He never lost his interest in plant-soil-consumer interactions and began an effort in the 1990s to understand the causes and consequences of invasive plants and animals in Colorado grasslands. He recognized the need to partner invasive species studies with ecological restoration efforts, and has worked with professional restoration groups that concurrently address biodiversity concerns, ecosystem services, and climate resiliency. His work now focuses on experiential learning and restoration actions that provide maximum benefits to nature-based climate solutions for the Colorado Front Range. He has co-edited several books and authored or co-authored over 200 research articles.Among his awards is an acknowledgement for participating in the IPCC effort that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, but his most valued accolade is the University of Colorado Chase Community Service Award he received in 2019. This award is given to a faculty member who has contributed exceptional educational, humanitarian, civics, or other service to the community.