Knowledge-Making from a Postgraduate Writers' Circle
Lucia Thesen
Schule und Lernen / Berufliche Bildung
This book seeks to disrupt the narrative about the process of academic writing and the written products which are currently valued in the university by juxtaposing the messiness and deletions of the writing process with the hegemonic imaginary of what research writing should look like. The author uses writing as both a subject and a method of enquiry in an ethnographic deep dive into her long-term engagement with a postgraduate writers' circle in an elite South African university. The book engages with growing global interest in the geopolitics of research writing and its relationship to patterns of epistemic privilege, drawing on current work on decolonising knowledge production. It opens a space to widen and deepen how we imagine the relationship between writing and knowledge-making.
geopolitics of research writing, writing process, Sociolinguistics of writing, knowledge-making, research writing, Postgraduate writing, academic writing, Doctoral Education, Higher Education Studies, decolonizing knowledge production, Affective methodologies, Writing as inquiry, Academic Literacies, Literacy Studies