Price of Freedom
Dimitrios G. Kousoulas
A fascinating look at the fate of Greece before during and after the Second World War."e;The author, a Fulbright scholar from Greece, presents in this book a useful brief summary of the major trials and tribulations through which his homeland has passed in the last decade and a half. He divides his work into three parts: from the Italian occupation of Albania in April, 1939, to the Nazi conquest of Greece in 1941; Greece under Nazi rule; the post-World War II period.The general picture which emerges from the pages of this book is that of a small nation which having fought on the side of right and justice against great odds and at considerable sacrifice, received something less than the deserved reward. While this may be true, and the author presents a good case, it should also be remembered that there are others whose contributions to the Allied cause were equally as great (e.g., the Poles and the Yugoslavs) but whose reward has been considerably less than is true of Greece. Greece, at least, is free."e;-ALEX N. DRAGNICH