Strength and Conditioning for Women in Team Sports
Jools Murray
Ratgeber / Sport
As attention and funding increases for women's team sports, so too should the understanding of the support they require to physically compete at these higher levels. Strength and Conditioning for Women in Team Sports is a dedicated guide to upskilling S&C coaches who are working with female teams. It addresses the unique requirements for women in reactive multi-directional sports and provides recommendations on creating a positive environment to succeed. The main topics covered are: preparing to integrate into a women's team; developing relationships and processes; testing and monitoring strategies; building databases and creating reports; planning sessions and implementation and finally, injury, illness and managing return to performance. Offering key insights into the plethora of variables available for achieving a certain goal, experienced S&C coach Jools Murray offers practical advice not only for session planning but also for important soft skills such as communication and team relationships.
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