We Need to Talk about Pornography
Vanessa Rogers
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
Exploring topics ranging from sexting, revenge porn and the law to relationship boundaries and sexual stereotypes, this practical teaching resource facilitates discussion on the difficult issues surrounding pornography with young people aged 11-19.
At a time when pornography is more accessible than ever and many young people are inadvisably turning to pornography to learn about sex and relationships, this book explores what pornography is, how sex is portrayed in the media versus the reality, how pornography can affect sexual relationships, self-esteem and body image, and provides details of where young people can seek advice and support if they are worried. It includes full lesson plans, activities, photocopiable materials and clear information on how to implement the programme, including outlines for staff CPD sessions and parent workshops.
A comprehensive resource to use as part of PSHE or SRE sessions in schools or youth services, this book will be vital for PSHE teachers, senior leadership teams, pastoral care teams, school counsellors, youth workers, school nurses, and anyone who might be involved in sex education provision for young people.
cosmetic surgery, Ofsted, curriculum, sexual harassment, social media, SRE, ground rules, sex education, law, social, moral, spiritual and cultural education, flirting, consent, high street, sexting, PSHE, media, relationship boundaries, personal boundaries, self-esteem, fantasy, SMSC, online dating, body image, sex and relationships education, revenge porn, gender, relationship expectations, reality, sex, sexuality, porn, sexual stereotypes