Lauren Lingard
Ratgeber / Entspannung, Yoga, Meditation, Autogenes Training
With all yoga practices, a student can take their understanding and then the practice itself as deeply as they wish and feel comfortable doing, but of all the different schools of yoga, Kundalini yoga makes no secret of its goal - the awakening of Kundalini energy - and so it is described as the most spiritual of all the different types of yoga.
Inside, you will learn yoga postures (asanas) that encourage the awakening of Kundalini, but you will also learn chanting and meditation and mudras (hand gestures) and even clever ways of locking energy into various parts of the body (bandhas) to achieve the ultimate goal of raising the Kundalini energy.
psychic development, kundalini awakening, kundalini energy, energy healing, third eye awakening, kundalini, yoga guide, meridians, psychic, yoga, reiki, third eye, kundalini yoga, chakras