Haymanot Journal Vol. 4 2024
Vince L. Bantu
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Religion/Theologie
The Haymanot Journal is the official publication of the Society of Gospel Haymanot (SGH), an academic community of Black scholars of biblical, theological, and religious studies. SGH exists to provide a space for Black theological scholars for support, partnership, and the production of research grounded in biblical orthodoxy, liberative justice, and Afrocentricity. The consortium of SGH operates as an extension of the Meachum School of Haymanot (MSH), a biblical, Afrocentric school of higher theological education.
Includes critical essays by Vince L. Bantu, Jessica N. Janvier, Erika Brown, Corey Lee, Lori E. Banfield, and Charonda Woods-Boone.
Book Reviews include:
- Review of Kelly Brown Douglas's "Resurrection Hope: A Future Where Black Lives Matter" by Leon Harris
- Review of Lisa M. Bowens and Dennis R. Edwards's "Do Black Lives Matter? How Christian Scriptures Speak to Black Empowerment" by Kenneth Reid
- Review of Andrea Myers Achi's "Africa and Byzantium" by Charonda Woods-Boone
Please visit www.meachum.org.
Liberation Theologies in the United States, A Black Theology of Liberation, Black Theology and Black Power, Liberation And Reconciliation, Liberation Theology Justice and Race, Black Faith and Public Talk, Introducing Black Theology of Liberation