Going for Glitch
Eve Morton
Chandler Ford needs to meet his sales quota. He is convinced it is the only way his boss Elroy will pay any attention to him, and then Chandler can finally get what he thinks he wants: Elroy's love and affection. Selling anti-aging pills to the old should be easy, but as the month reaches its end, his numbers aren't where they need to be. And neither is Chandler.After a demoralizing interaction with his boss, one not ever the ever-cheerful security guard named Manny can soothe, Chandler stops a violent crime. When he realizes the victim is an android named Dash, Chandler wants nothing to do with him. Yet what Dash tells him about perfection, love and attraction, sinks in for the better.As the month nears the end, Chandler's boss Elroy, and the security guard Manny, both take on completely different roles in his fantasy life. Now if only Chandler could meet quota, maybe he'd know what to do next ...