Place to Call Home
Linda Byler
Follow Marys journey as she continues to search for a sense of belonging in this second book in the Stepping Stones series, following Who Is Mary? Running her own bakery in Lancaster, Pennsylvania keeps Mary busy and her active mind engaged. But she continues to struggle with anxiety that is sometimes crushing, and though she has Aunt Lizzie and a few good friends, she often feels lonely and out of place. Shes still questioning her very conservative Amish upbringing, too, and feeling torn between fear of an angry, exacting God and the hope of a loving, forgiving one. At a hymn singing, Mary meets Steve, a young man who intrigues her, but their fledgling relationship is interrupted when she learns that her father has been in an accident and she must return home to rural New York to care for him. Tending to her very strict father stretches Mary nearly to breaking point. Will they ever be able to really love and respect each other?And how can Mary even begin to know Gods will for her life when shes not even sure she knows who God is? Author Linda Byler is an active member of the Amish church and writes all her novels by hand with a pen and notebook. She offers a unique and fascinating look into Amish history and culture.