Want to Get the Most out of Life?
Glenn Goree
Ratgeber / Familie
Do you ever feel as if God doesn't love you and therefore conclude you have no hope? But God has always loved us and it is Satan who causes the hopelessness, not God. How then do we overcome our hopelessness? God is the ultimate provider of hope. If we turn to him and the Holy Spirit for guidance, our God-given purposes will become clear, and then we'll be able to follow the quests to accomplish our missions in life. If you feel your spiritual life is at a crossroads, read the real-life stories I've included and meditate on the Scriptures to strengthen your hope and to help you discover your purpose.
body, Spiritual, personal development and practical advice, Christian life and practice, mission in life, life’s purpose, Christian Living, Want to Get the Most out of Life?, hope, SELF-HELP, strive, Mind, Glenn Goree, Personal Growth, Quest, spirit: thought and practice, Personal religious testimony and popular inspirational works, healing