The Stage Play of The MONEY AFFAIR In Four Acts
Harry Katzan Jr.
Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur
This book is the play of the novel entitled The Money Affair. The book in intended for producers and directors. It contains the script of the play with the title The Money Affair, and an initial vesion of the novel with the same name. In the novel, as in the previous stories in the series involving Matt, Ashley, and the General, with the assistance of their associates and friends, combine their efforts to make the world better and solve important problems that involve the integrity of the United States, along with problems in the domestic arena. In this instance. the book is set in the beautiful area of middle New Jersey, the United States and is related in a small way to a foreign country. As in the previous novels, Matt Miller, who has a PhD degree from a prestigious university, uses mathematical thinking and solid logic, along with the organizational ability of General Les Miller, his grandfather and his wife Ahley to solve a major social situation recognized by a colleague and is related to men and women and the election of the United States. It is a modern tale based on complex interpersonal interactions. The book is a modern collection of characters, different locations, and a dynamic context. The text has a distinct definition and its relationship to modern social events is thorough and interesting. The reader will ask, “Can it happen here?” Or , “Is it happening here?” You will love the conclusion, and of course the beginning. Two more things. The script is fungible and a director can have a ball with it. And, you will love the main characters of Matt, Ashley, the General, and Anna. A famous sage has said, “I need an Ashley.” In this book, the story as it is published has no violence, no sex, and no bad language. It is accessible to all readers. The story and the script are short and easy to read. You can enjoy it in a car, train, or airplane ride.
Fiction, stage play, money affair