Arlindo Fernandes
Ratgeber / Familie
In this volume – part one of a three-part series – author Arlindo Fernandes presents a comprehensive theoretical analysis of human being sexually. He shares ways that can help you, • understand, explore, and discover your sexual treasures. • become confident in bed and relationship. • become well equipped to capitalize on pleasure and all other benefits of sex. • reach your utmost sexual enjoyment, with or without a partner. It’s important to digest the principles of Sex – The masterpiece of happiness with particular attention to your sexuality, philosophical principles, and beliefs to honor sex. You should not let either the curses of time nor the circumstances of life make you a loser. Use your wisdom and enjoy pleasure more than you ever thought was possible by staying connected to this most powerful human emotion – sex – at any age.
Relationship, Sexuality, The importance of sex, Origin of sex, Sex, Sex and relationships, Why we have sex?, Sexual empowerment, Orgasm