If We Were Stars
Eule Grey
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
The final countdown begins in three hours.
Blimey. The last thing Kurt wants is to wear a space helmet, and, no, they didn't plan on saving the world either-Not before their eighteenth birthday anyway. Who'd have thought friending a lonely alien would lead to the Cape Canaveral launch pad.
Best friends since they were ten years old, Kurt O'Hara and Beast Harris tackle the typical teenage challenges together: pronouns, AWOL bodies, not to mention snogging. A long-distance relationship with an alien named Iuvenis is the least of their troubles.
Kurt loves programming, people-pleasing, and yellow dresses. Most of all, Kurt loves Beast.
Beast adores elephants, protest marches, and Kurt. Rules?-Nah. Humanity's way down on Beast's list of to-dos.
Beast and Kurt, Kurt and Beast. The end. Exactly how their love turns into a scene from Red Dwarf is anyone's guess. Spaceships? NASA at the doorstep? No biggie. As long as they're together, Kurt and Beast can survive anything.
Except, apparently, lift-off. Because nobody considered sensory issues, did they? Nope. NASA never made adjustments for neurodivergent astronauts. Unbelievable.
Will science be enough to blast Kurt and Beast-unlikely superheroes-into space to save the planet? Or will it take something much more extraordinary?
unlikely heroes, autism, coming out, interracial, non-binary, fantasy, aliens