Aditi Machado
Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik
In Emporium, Aditi Machado investigates transnationalism and translation in poems that follow a merchant woman as she travels a twenty-first century “silk route.” As on the original silk route, this merchant is engaged in economic transactions but also cultural exchanges, un-monetizeable reciprocities, the sensory excesses of the marketplace: coins moving from hand to hand, the smell of food and sweat infusing the air, the “noise” of translation and multilingualism. Is this tradeswoman in control of her “destiny”/business or is she a commodity of impenetrable global forces? Her investigative, digressive travel seems a way to interrogate history and money and her own entanglement in such irresistible threads.
transnational, class, Indian, film still, haptic, translingual, Hindi, Marketplace, collage, cinematic, woman, globalization, lyric, archive, capitalism, merchant woman, film, tradeswoman, sensuous, sensual, smell, South Asian, globalism, sensory, meditative, archival, feminist, aphoristic, Laughlin, senses, translation, playful, investigative, race, mercantilism, Silk Route, gender, food, multilingualism, Herewith the Prologue, fragment, trade, French, commons, typographic, merchant, noise, witty