More than Christians
Norman Hubbard
Transform Your Relationships with the Power of WordsWhat do we call each other? It's a deceptively simple question, because how we refer to one another is how we understand our relationships.Not recognizing the power of our words makes it harder for us to trust and serve one another-to love one another. In More than Christians, Norman Hubbard explores how the early church used common words in uncommon ways to make sense of their relationships with God and with one another. His research and contextualization of the cultural background to the New Testament is as practical for today as it is urgent.Before we were called Christians ...We called each other brothers and sisters;We saw ourselves and one another as saints-set apart by God for God's purposes;We understood ourselves and one another as beloved by God and therefore worthy of love.These and other names defined us at the very beginning of Jesus' transforming ministry. They still define us today. We can celebrate our identity as Christians. But we are more than Christians. Experience the transformative power of the Gospel as you practice life together in the fullness of your identity as the people of God.