Gary Beers
Belletristik / Horror
Jim Riley, a lost soul beleaguered by bipolar illness, has just one day left on earth to settle his differences with the Devil to reclaim the love of his life. Jim tries every tact to reason with... the Dark One, but to no avail, as repossession and dark fantasies have become one with him. In now there only twenty-four hours left in a repressed and stinky, rotten mental ward covered in past human secretions, priests and a young psychiatrist in upstate New York are left to deal with a middle-aged man whose realm of reality one a reality known only to him alone flickers in and out of psychoses to an erratic state of psychotic possession and laughter that can only be heard from the bellowing belly of the Devil himself! Now, the question is, will our protagonist Jim survive the dark tortures that would lead any man to a state of suicide? Or will he be set free by the grace of the God in whom he once believed? In part two, as in Gary Beers' first horror novel ';Psycho Psychiatry,' the Devil himself is back by popular demand to once again wreak havoc on innocent people. This time... the action takes place in the Amish countryside of Pennsylvania, where two priests are summoned to save an eight-year-old girl from the clutches of the Dark One, who stops at nothing to win her soul. His treachery is unnerving as he defames the Church, embarrasses the clergy, and plans to kill anyone who gets in the way of his desires. The circus is here again. The psycho is loving it! Come see the circusif, you dare! As a bonus, novelist Gary Beers guides us through The Passing of Time, his first trilogy of short stories, demonstrating the author's versatility with his various styles of writing. Gary Beers exhibits another of his many talents in part one of a ';Sonnet Wishful Encounter,' as he makes use of an Irish dialect and his extremely descriptive approach to make his readers feel like they are part of the story while he brings us into the world of the characters. This is a story with which most of us can identify. In part two of ';Cosmic Erdello,' Mr. Beers again demonstrates a medieval style of writing as he tells the biblical story of Cosmic Erdello, the God of Life, who, like many of us humans, falls prey to sins of the flesh and, as a result, loses his station in life all because of love. Lastly in part three of Mr. Beers' trilogy ';A Reminiscence,' depicts his journey from childhood into maturity, detailing some of the true-to-life hardships and obstacles he endured, for which he credits some of his many a few writings and their many successes he today enjoys now!