Cat Tails
Karen Hill
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
Synopsis: A must read for all ages!! Children who are just learning to read will find Cat Tails among their favorites. The words dance and flow out of their little mouths easily as they discover the joy of reading! Cat Tails should be a staple in every preschool, kindergarten, and library story time. A perfect gift for mommies, daddies, grand-moms, and grand-dads to spend time with their children on their laps. Buy today!
Autobiography: Karen Hill draws on her absolute love of children and background as a Navy wife. Her creativity transforms the simple joys of raising her sons and everyday outings into magical worlds of wonder. Together with the vibrant illustrations of Libbie Veldman, they capture the minds and hearts of children everywhere. A must read for all ages!!! Children just learning to read will find this book among their favorites.
Preschool, baby showers, Cat Tails, cats, grandparents, parents, learn, gifts, libraries, perfect holiday gift, teachers, toddlers, colorful illustrations, children, story time, learn to read, perfect gift, all ages