Just Words
Leslie Williams
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
"Just Words: Who Will Teach Our Women?" is a self-help/inspirational book geared towards challenging and/while encouraging women to elevate the way they think about, talk about, and see: God, relationships, the world, their lifestyles, and ultimately themselves. Men, as well as unbelievers, can also benefit from applying the tools and insight(s) taught in this book. Other books help challenge people to elevate themselves but none of those books address the need for the human race as a whole, to be more accepting and encouraging of one another, especially while our racial and political disharmony is at it's crescendo. Everyone is hopeful for answers and ways to make it all better. "Just Words" provides those answers by revealing to women that they are the key to bringing change to our world according to God's plan.
innovative, melodic, inspiring, melodious, challenging