Freedom [3]
Higgins M.G. Higgins
Saddleback Educational Publishing
Themes: Fantasy, Fiction, Teen, Young Adult, Emergent Reader, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo Books, Hi-Lo Solutions, High-Low Books, Hi-Low Books, ELL, EL, ESL, Struggling Learner, Struggling Reader, Special Education, SPED, Newcomers, Reading, Learning, Education, Educational, Educational Books. Ted the miner finds a strange rock on a recent dig. Then he starts having strange dreams of dragons. Saddleback's Teen Emergent Reader Libraries offer three levels to support step-by step learning by increasing the ability and complexity along the way. Starting at a Pre-K reading level, the Libraries will entice even your most struggling, at-risk, special needs and English language learners. To distinguish the books as teenage material, the books in the level EMERGE are a substantial 48 pages in length, supported on every page by full-color, riveting photographs. Grouped by genre, with five genres per level and extensive teacher support, this series offers middle and high school teachers the solution for differentiating instruction while still teaching grade-level content and meeting Common Core standards.