Uncle John's Facts to Go Bathroom Lore
Bathroom Readers' Institute
Belletristik / Humor, Satire, Kabarett
Uncle Johns favorite room finally gets its own book!Some of the best bathroom reading weve ever squeezed out has been about the bathroom itself. And in this e-book, the hallowed throne gets its moment in the spotlight! Starting from prehistoric times, youll learn the vital role that pee and poo have played in the course of human events. Youll also visit Uncle Johns Stall of Shame and look at some of the cool (and bizarre) gadgets so you can spruce up your own throne room! Plus youll get a hefty helping of bathroom quotes, graffiti, tips, and jokes! So flush away your troubles as you read about That 70s Bathroom How to go abroad, on the Moon, and in ancient Rome World leaders who perfected the fine art of toilet diplomacy Mahatma Gandhisaving the world, one bathroom at a time Bathroom games (for when you dont feel like reading) 11 movies that Tom Hanks peed in Lucky Findsthe privy edition One storymore than 20 bathroom puns. Can Uncle John do it? Pick up a copy of Bathroom Lore to find out!