Gourmet Cooking for Free
Bradford Angier
Ratgeber / Allgemeines, Lexika, Tabellen
Willow Creek Press is proud to bring back to print Bradford Angier's classic Gourmet Cooking for Free, first published in 1970.Believing that no store can supply food as fresh or nutritious as nature's own wild bounty, Angier gathered unique and delicious recipes for preparing wild game, fish and wild plants.Readers will learn and enjoy the flavor, variety and nutrition wild foods have to offer.Chapters include Big Game (venison, bear, moose, buffalo, caribou), Game Birds (grouse, duck, partridge, quail, pheasant, goose, turkey), Small Game (beaver, rabbit, squirrel), Fish (trout, Atlantic salmon, bass, pickerel, eels), Shellfish (clams, oysters, crabs, crayfish, mussels, turtle), Edible Wild Plants (wild rice, water cress, nettle, wild onion, mustard, dandelion, cattail, plantain, fiddleheads), and Wild Fruit (blackberries, elderberries, currants, raspberries, cranberries).Anyone who savors new taste sensations in exceptional cuisine will want to take this carefully guided tour through nature's cupboard.