Party of Two
Beverly LaHaye, Tim LaHaye
New Leaf Publishing Group, Inc.
Ratgeber / Familie
Marriages are failing at an alarming rate in this country. According to the Barna group, 27 percent of those who consider themselves to be born-again Christians have been divorced. How can a young couple guard themselves against becoming one of these statistics? This enlightening book by Tim and Beverly LaHaye presents the answer.
Have you ever wondered why your spouse seems to be so different from you? Are you puzzled by why God would allow two such different people to be married to one another? The LaHaye’s answer these questions and many more. They explain the role that temperament has on our actions and how this and the basic differences between men and women can create conflict in a marriage.
Party of Two, New Leaf Press, christian living, Tim LaHaye, Beverly LaHaye, marriage, divorce, spouse, men and women