Meditations on Farming
Michael R. Rosmann
Ratgeber / Themenkochbücher
Unlike any other territorial species, humans have evolved to become agrarians. The unique drive of farmers to cultivate crops and undertake animal husbandry, their tenacious attachment to the land, and their stoic self-reliance are beneficial, but these same qualities also can lead to self-blame and heightened propensities for anxiety, depression, and suicide. Meditations on Farming celebrates nature and agriculture, while tackling a very serious subject: the mental health of food producers. In this collection of essays and stories, Rosmann—a farmer, clinical psychologist, public speaker, policy advocate, professor, and syndicated columnist—traces the development of behavioral health management and other methods for improving the well-being of agricultural producers. Sometimes tragic, often funny, and always engaging, Meditations on Farming shares the insights gained over a lifetime devoted not only to understanding farmers, but to helping and advocating for them.
behavior, agricultural safety and health, hunting and psychology, behavior management, Dr. Mike Rosmann, farm stress, why people farm, farmers’ mental health, suicide prevention, agricultural behavioral health, farmer/psychologist, farm and ranch life, agricultural well-being, agrarian imperative, farming, farmer, Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, rural mental health, farmer suicide, AgriWellness, changes in agriculture, fishing