Ordained by the Streets
E. N. Joy
Belletristik / Dramatik
';While half the women in the neighborhood got dressed up in their Sunday's best to go worship an invisible man, the real live men of flesh they laid down with every night was giving my mother praise. And although they weren't putting ten percent of their earnings in some shiny collection plate, they were doing pretty good filling up my mom's Crowne Royal bag that laid on her nightstand, next to her bed.'Ordained By The Streets introduces you to Poppa, or rather, Poppa introduces you to himself. A self-proclaimed street preacher, Poppa's credentials and credibility don't come from the church house or a preacher man; it comes straight from where it countsthe streets.More than eyes have seen or ears have heard, Poppa never becomes jaded by the lives and stories he encounters in his position on the streets. In this urban tract, Poppa encounters a girl whose mind he sets out to manipulate. After all, that's what he does. But in this girl, Poppa just might have met his match. When this girl bares her soul to Poppa with details of her life, he has no idea just how much her story is going to change his lifeforever.