The Mother at Home
John S. C. Abbott
Ratgeber / Familie
First published in 1833, The Mother at Home was particularly written for the stay-at-home-mom. The fact that it's still in print testifies to the fact that so many mothers have found it to be of help to them and recommended it to others. It's so full of little gems that, to glean all, readers could read it more than once over the years. It offers guidance through successful parenting practices, and is full of practical advice for running a successful home, having good children, and avoiding common parenting mistakes.
Refreshingly, it was written before parents were afraid to discipline their children, and it's a helpful encouragement for Moms not to be slack in their important job since slackness only heaps up more trouble in the years to come. This book is a fantastic aid in reflection and course adjustments for the mother of young children. Its far more empowering than some of the books written for women today, which encourage self exploration, and child-led parenting.
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