Stop Walking on Eggshells for Partners
Randi Kreger, Bill Eddy
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
From the author of Stop Walking on Eggshells comes a lifeline for the romantic partners of those with BPD or narcissistic personality disorder. With this guide, you'll learn to set boundaries, defuse arguments, and do what's right for you. Do you often feel manipulated, controlled, or lied to in your relationship? Does your partner exhibit intense, irrational, or violent rage? Are you often the victim of gaslighting or extreme blame? If your partner has borderline personality disorder (BPD) or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), it's important to remember that it is not your fault. Lured in by your partner's initial charm, you might have initially ignored or outright denied the red flags; however, the constant stream of criticism, blame, and gaslighting has left you questioning your own reality. So, how can you begin to set boundaries and make self-preservation a priority? BPD and NPD expert Randi Kreger provides targeted resources to help you build the confidence you need to navigate your relationship safely and effectively. Packed with in-depth information and proven-effective skills, this no-nonsense guide will help you evaluate your relationship, discover what you truly want and need, and gain the courage needed to make healthy decisionsand act on them. If you decide to stay with your partner, you'll be equipped with tools to improve the relationship; if you determine you want to leave and start a new life, this book will light your path to freedom. As much as it might feel like it, you are not stuck in your current relationship. There is a way forward, and no matter how you ultimately choose to proceed, you'll be guided wisely and safely toward a satisfying relationshipand the better, more peaceful life you deserve.