The Imitation of Christ
Thomas a Kempis
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Christentum
Let Jesus's example of holiness, humility and purity of heart be a companion on your own spiritual journey.
Next to the Bible, The Imitation of Christ is the most widely read devotional work within the Christian community. Thought to be compiled by fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380–1471), this spiritual classic focuses the contemporary God-seeker on a religion of the heart—a vital connection with God in our innermost being. It advocates the cultivation of virtues, like humility and purity of intention, by inviting the spirit of Jesus to dwell richly in our lives. It emphasizes the need to translate that life of love into daily action.
Now you can experience the timeless wisdom of this spiritual classic with no previous knowledge of late medieval Christianity. This SkyLight Illuminations edition, based on John Wesley’s popular 1741 abridgment, renders these meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus in a way that is accessible to the contemporary reader. A substantive introduction and facing-page commentary places the work in its original context; clarifies the text’s roots in the Bible, the early Church, and medieval mysticism; and explains its influence—spanning five hundred years—on spiritual luminaries from saints to popes and its continuing significance today.
religious clerics, Thomas Kempis, annotations, Christianity, Jesus Christ, religious writings, Christian worship, study guide, Christology, Christian meditation worship and devotion, religious studies, religious scholarship, Devotionals, The Imitation of Christ, Christian meditation