Conducting Research with Human Participants
Nathan Durdella
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Naturwissenschaften allgemein
Conducting Research with Human Participants: An IRB Guide for Students and Faculty by Nathan Durdella is the only guidebook students and faculty will need to navigate the IRB process and secure swift approval of research protocols. This book serves as an advisor to walk researchers through all the details of drafting, submission, and revision of materials for Institutional Review Boards so they can complete their research projects or dissertations faster. This text walks readers through the history of Institutional Review Boards, the contemporary context of ethical research, strategies to effectively draft, submit, and revise an IRB protocol, and guidance on working with an approved protocol in the field. The latest updates to the Common Rule and other regulatory frameworks, including special protections for working with vulnerable groups, are covered throughout the text. Not every research project goes according to plan, so adverse events and reporting receive special coverage. A final chapter on ethical research practices beyond IRB compliance encourages researchers to think through how to exit the field of research and ensure their research benefits the individuals, families, and communities in which they work. Take the guesswork out of the IRB process from start to finish with this handy guide.