When We Walked Amongst The Shadows
Michael Kern
A harmless questionnaire at a college seminarunexpectedly propels Austin O'Connor into the world ofblack ops. Ready or not, life as he knew it, no longerexists. Austin is thrust into a dangerous career with verylittle training or knowledge on how to navigate this newworld. From to smuggling weapons amid the Afghan andSoviet War to a daring rescue in the middle of theContras and Sandinistas conflict in Nicaragua,Austin continues to exceed expectations. In a shortperiod of time, he manages to excel at all assignmentsplaced on him by his superiors, and he has earned thename Dragon Slayer by his peers. Unbeknownst to Austin, he is a third generationoperative, and now one of the C.I.A.'s top assets. Hisnew mission sends him around the globe, risking his lifeto face deadly foes and his destiny. His job of constantly being in jeopardy could be the endof him, unless his inner demons kill him first. Austin is afast study and a man who leaves his conscience and hisidentity at the door. The job comes first, the rest isirrelevant to him.