A Child Centred EYFS
Aaron Bradbury, Ruth Swailes
Schule und Lernen / Kita / Vorschule
As EY practitioners, we know that child-centred practice is what matters. Despite the pressures for more ′school like′ learning in the Early Years, EY professionals and practitioners continue to advocate for child-led best practice in settings.
This book is a toolkit for all those working with children on how to develop and implement a child centred curriculum for delivery of the EYFS. A curriculum that is research informed and based on what we know about children′s development and learning. A curriculum that ensures children have the time and space to explore and develop the fundamental building blocks of early development.
Childminder, Nursery, Early Years Foundation Stage, Early Years Setting, Reception Baseline Assessment, Areas of learning and development, Early Learning Goals, Playgroup, EYFS, Early years, A Child Centered EYFS, Child Development, Early Years curriculum, Equality and Diversity in the Early Years, Reception