Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally

Karllo MELLO

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Dear Friend,If you are reading this page then it is very likely that you are already experiencing some of the more uncomfortable symptoms associated with premenstrual tension.Although getting your monthly period is supposed to be a natural occurrence it is clearly distressing for many women to go through.Normally a condition that causes the following symptoms might have you worried that you are suffering from a serious or even fatal disease-abdominal painbloatingjoint painmuscle paindiarrheaconstipationonset or worsening of acnetendernessexcess water tendernessweight gaincravings for sugar an alcoholInsomniaanxietydisorientationdisassociationpanic attacksinsomniaweepinessdecreased libidolack of sex drivepoor concentration and lack of focusNormally such a big list of symptoms might have you calling a doctor to get a diagnosis!However in this case it is not necessary because what you have just read above is simply all of the symptoms that can occur when a woman is about to get her period!Is Moodiness, Pain and Bloating Paralyzing Your Life In the Days Leading Up to Your Period?Just what is premenstrual tension (also known as PMS) anyway and why does it cause most women so much misery?For most women who suffer PMS, the condition usually sets in between seven and fourteen days before the beginning of their period, although for some women who suffer severe PMS, the condition can become one that is almost permanent, with symptoms being present before, during and after menstruation.This physical disruption is very distressing for most women. Some females who experience it only have mild symptoms but others are simply overwhelmed by anxiety, pain and mood swings. Just getting through the lead up to getting one's period can feel like an uphill battle that must be fought every day!Furthermore, because many women find it difficult to concentrate and focus on what they are supposed to be doing, work performance often suffers and they are considerably more likely to suffer accidents when suffering the worst of PMS.The bad moods and anxiety associated with premenstrual tension affects all areas of your life.Do you really want to keep confusing and upsetting other people with this condition?Premenstrual tension can be a baffling for other people to watch and emotionally painful for the woman who is experiencing. Many women find themselves emotionally confused by the process and at the mercy of many different distressing symptoms at once. It can be excruciating!It is just all so overwhelming and also for many women quite frightening. For some it feels like they are losing their beauty or like they are losing their mind.It also doesn't help that women are often called irrational when they suffer from this disorder. It takes away from their credibility and costs them their reputation - not only in their personal relationships but on the job. This is why it can be crucial for you, as a woman, to take control and do something about your symptoms.Part of winning the battle against the symptoms of premenstrual tension is able to do this is recognizing that this is a process that every woman goes through and being able to identify exactly what is going on in your body.That is why in Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally I give you a crash course in just exactly what PMT (also known as PMS) is all about.In this concise, informative and easy-to-read eBook I discuss -The prevalence of premenstrual tension in this society and why even women as young as thirteen can experience itHow the days leading up to your period are affected by fluctuating hormone levels and how to predict when your symptoms will be worseHow the levels of progesterone in your body can especially contribute to mood swings, bloating and other problems associated with premenstrual tensionHow your levels of serotonin, the feel good chemical in your brain, might be affecting your ability to weather the days leading up to your period and what you can do to elevate this hormoneHow your family history may predict whether or not you are likely to suffer from PMSHow one's general health can affect how well you adjust to the discomfort of premenstrual symptomsHow your personality type can impact how you deal with having your periodWhy sexual intercourse seems more uncomfortable when you have PMSHow dramatic falls in estrogen levels work to cause your face to flush and make you feel uncomfortable and anxious in the days leading up to your periodHow falling estrogen levels can cause you to have a fever and start sweating for no reasonHow to deal with the onset of skin problems like acneHow to deal with the painful swelling breasts that can be one of the symptoms of PMSHow changes in hormones can affect every single organ in your bodyWhat single activity you can do every day to deal with the weight gain associated with PMSWhy some women suffer changes in memory or attention span as their estrog

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