It's a Small World
Rachel Joel
First Edition Design Publishing
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
It's a Small World is a collection of short stories from emerging writer Rachel Joel. These ten accounts range from action-packed tales such as Flashback and Sparrow to heart-wrenching stories including The Chess Man and Dear Mom. From suspenseful to touching, these diverse narratives show that everyone has their own story to tell. It's our job to listen.
Rachel Joel is a high school student in the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. She won a national competition in Duke TIP for her writing in fourth grade. Shortly afterward, in sixth grade, she published her first book: the novella The Famous Miller and Smith Detective Agency. In eighth grade, she was declared State Champion of Narrative Writing in the Quill competition, which is sponsored by the North Carolina Association for Scholastic Activities. She loves science and creative writing, and she hopes to make a difference in the world in both fields. In her free time, she loves to read, write, listen to music, bake, and spend time with her family and friends.
diverse, short stories, heartfelt, young adult, suspenseful, dear mom