The Universal Medicine
Art Corpus
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
Laughter is not the best medicine. If you have a weak heart, you can die laughing. But you cannot die by drinking your fresh urineeven if you have a weak heart. On the contrary, your weak heart will become strong because it will be cured of its disease that made it weak. Moreover, if you have other diseases, they will all be cured if you drink your fresh urine. This book will show you how this magic is done by urine. Urine is not a waste. It is a residue. Your body takes and uses the little nutrients it needs from the food and liquid you take. The residue is taken out of your body through your urine. Hence your urine is full of precious healthy nutrients. By drinking your fresh urine, you can give back to your body these nutrients that will cure and prevent all diseases. This book will tell you how this is done. Since urine is a medicine that is manufactured by your body, and since your body is made and designed by God, urine is truly Gods medicine. That is why it is so effective and cures all diseases. For this reason, the wise people of India have been using for ages their urine to cure and prevent diseases. And also for this reason, they call urine Shivambu meaning water of Shiva, who is one of their major gods. Indeed, it is urine which is the best medicineno other.