Shari?a and Life
Fabian Spengler, Uriya Shavit
Sachbuch / Religion: Allgemeines, Nachschlagewerke
Drawing on five years of field studies in pragmatic- and dogmatic-inclined mosques across Europe, ShariE a and Life explores how Muslims engage with shariE a norms in general, and specifically with the challenges they face as Muslims living in majority non-Muslim societies.The book examines how fatwas (advice on shariE a-related matters) are quested, negotiated, paraphrased, contested, or ignored in mosques, on the internet, and elsewhere. It also analyses individual strategies, external to religio-legal discourse, through which Muslims mitigate conflicts between interpretations of shariE a and everyday life.Among the issues discussed in the book are financial transactions, education, the workplace, sports, electoral participation, Christmas greetings, proselytizing, and the legitimacy of choosing to live in a non-Muslim country. Shifting the focus from the authors and texts of fatwas to their recipients, ShariE a and Life gives voice to those often left voiceless and demonstrates the great discretion and flexibility with which tensions between shariE a and life are resolved.