Treasure Beneath Our Feet
Doug Hill
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Geschichte
THIS BOOK CONTAINS THE RESULTS OFTWO INDEPENDENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIESCONDUCTED IN THE HEART OF GLASTONBURYTOWN CENTRE AT 11 HIGH STREET,NOW THE FOOTPRINT OF THE BUSYDOUBLE AWARD-WINNINGGAUNTLET SHOPPING THOROUGHFARE. The studies were commissioned by theDeveloper and Landlord/owner Doug Hillbetween 2005-2007. They were request ed asa pre-condition for planning by SomersetCountyCouncil as it was considered imperativeto document the history of the site,the development of which offered a uniqueopportunity prior to the commencement ofthe building works. This is a Grade 2 listed building positionedin the centre of a conservation area in theheart of Glastonbury (adjacent to the Tri -bunal, a Grade 1 Listed building) and as suchis considered to be of great importance. The land at 11 High Street was stripped, mapped and the artefactslogged. The broad spectrum of finds were subsequently donated tothe Somerset Museum, Taunton. Two Archaeological ReportsINTRODUCED BYDOUG HILLThe Gauntlet, Glastonbury THE TREASURE BENEATH OUR FEET Doug HillTHE ARCHAEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS CONTAINED IN THIS BOOKIS COMPREHENSIVE. BOTH REPORTS PRESENT DE TAILED,ACCURATELY ASSEMBLED DOCUMENTED RECORDS, WHICHI AM SURE YOU WILL FIND FASCINATING. The Gauntlet, GlastonburyTHETREASUREB E N E AT H O U R F E E TSee our