Be the Better Person
God, Mary Miner
Ratgeber / Lebensführung, Persönliche Entwicklung
1. Can you turn a bad day into a happy day?2. Do you have a peaceful, calm, comfortable life?3. Are you content with who you are?4. Are you always kind, considerate and sincere to everyone, especially those you love?If you answered yes to all four questions, then this book is not for you. If you answered no to just one, GOD says you need to read Our golden book. If you diligently read this entire book, persistently practice these golden skills and consistently apply what you read you will love yourself more than you do right now. Isnt that a nice thought? For small fee you could have a better life. Better yet, those around you could also have a better life. This is not just a book. It is a campaign to bring back THE GOLDEN RULE. You might be wondering why I gave credit to GOD as co-author for this golden book. Well, credit goes where credit is deserved. I didnt write this book by myself. My INNER VOICE, who I call GOD told me, My job on this Earth is to spread as much love as I possibly can. HE told me what I should and shouldnt write. I listened. Some might think I am crazy but at my wise age; I dont care because I am finally happy, peaceful and content in this greedy, confused unloving world. So, if you believe everything happens for a reason, guess what, it does! You are looking at this right now for a reason. So buy and live this golden book!