Pinch Me
Gabrielle Prendergast
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
After another night of girls, music and booze, seventeen-year-old pop star Darius Zaire falls out of bed and lands on the cruddy floor of his old bedroom.
No mansion, no luxury cars, no platinum records. Now he's just ordinary Darren Zegers. Some kind of nightmare has erased everything that happened to change Darren the dweeb into Darius the multimillionaire. Now Darius has to face an ordinary day in the twelfth grade, suffering through remedial English and wondering what happened to the last three years, let alone all his fans and money. He desperately wants to return to his old life, but he is starting to worry that maybe this is reality, and it was his other life that was the dream.
This short novel is a high-interest, low-reading level book for teen readers who are building reading skills, want a quick read or say they don’t like to read! The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.
low readability, learning disabilities, popstar, ELL, ESL, low reading level, high/low, hi/lo, changing values, alternate reality, EAL, addiction, stardom, identity, high-low, living in a dream, reluctant readers, English as a second language, English as an additional language, high interest, English language learners, struggling readers, musician, reading strategies, young adult readers, parallel universe, hi-lo, loyalty, famous singer, teen issues, music industry, science fiction, teen readers