Shattered Glass
Teresa Toten
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
Toni has always had nightmares about fire, and she also has burn scars but no idea how she got them. So when fire destroys the orphanage she has grown up in, she is ready to make her way to Toronto, where she hopes to discover the truth about the mother she believes hurt and then abandoned her. Toronto proves to be both daunting and exciting for Toni, whose charm and innocence attract attention—not always positive—wherever she goes. Buoyed by the music she hears at the folk club where she finds a job, and encouraged by her glamorous landlady, Toni unearths shocking information that contradicts everything she believes and makes her re-evaluate what she feels for all the new people in her life.
Part of the
SECRETS—a series of seven linked novels that can be read in any order.
Ontario, innocence, coming of age, friendship, Toronto, family history, relationships, naive main character, suspense, trust, Orphans, novels about orphans, family secrets, historical fiction, musician, PTSD, mystery, fire, singer, music, Judaism, thriller, nightmares, folk singer, novels about family secrets, shared history, folk music, realistic fiction, biological family, parents, secrets series, family